The History of 14 Arundel Terrace



THe Capital and Spacious Premises known the Bush Hotel held at trifling Rent. MESSRS. FAREBROTHER, CLARK, AND LYE Are instructed to Sell, the Old Ship, Brighton, on Saturday, Jan. I8, at One for Two precisely, in Two Lots, order of the Mortgagee, and with possession, The capital and spacious premises, of handsome elevation (commanding extensive land and sea views), now occupied THE BUSH HOTEL, the corner of Arundel Terrace, Kemp Town, Brighton. Tbe bouse is well suited for hotel, or for an establishment requiring extent of accommodation, and contains bed-rooms and three water closets, four sitting-rooms, capital coffee-room, 30ft. by 27ft.; dining-room,%oft. by 24f1.; bar, and all suitable well-arranged domestic offices, with plunging and warm baths, &c.; also large piece of building ground adjoining: tbe whole held lease for unexpired term of 39 years, at trifling annual rent of £\2s. Also FREEHOLD PLOT OF GROUND, as now enclosed, with buildings thereon, situate near to the Gas Works. The purchaser may be accommodated with the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS by valuation, and possession given of the property. To viewed, and particulars had of Mr Acloam, Auctioneer, King’s Road, Brighton *, the Star, Lewes; of Mr Lyle, Solicitor, 17, Bloomsbury Street; at Garraway’a Coffee House; and Messrs. Farebrother, Clark, and Lye’s Offices, Lancaster Place, Strand.